FIDO X3 certified for use within ECAC Airports
14th February 2014
The FIDO X3 is the first handheld explosives detector to be certified by the European Civil Aviation Conference for bottled liquid screening (BLS), opening up new markets for Southern Scientific across Europe and Asia.

The next generation in handheld trace detection technology, the FIDO X3 has proven to be extremely popular with Southern Scientific customers in recent months, with sales to the UK Border Police, visitor and post room security at high profile buildings in the UK and for checkpoints at petrochemical facilities in the Middle East.
The device screens liquids, solids or vapours within seconds and without calibration or waiting to adjust system configurations or temperatures.
It offers a user friendly system with an 8 hour battery life and start up in under 5 minutes, plus a new patented Sensing Element technology allowing control over various detection channels, dependent on the users priorities.
As new threats emerge within Airports the X3 can be upgraded and incorporate new detection chemistry.
Click here for more information on the FIDO X3 or visit our stand at the Security and Policing Event, 11-13 March.