Sounding the right note
28th April 2016
The recent BNMS Annual Meeting in Birmingham was Southern Scientific's most successful on record.

The recent BNMS Annual Meeting in Birmingham was Southern Scientific's most successful on record.
Interest in the new Hidex AMG Gamma Counter and the Capintec CRC®-PC Smart Chamber - both on show at an event in the UK for the first time - exceeded all expectations.
The new venue - the ICC in Birmingham - can also take some credit for the success of the event. It comfortably housed the exhibition and catering as well as generating a pleasant ambience for both conference delegates and exhibitors alike.
Due to the high volume of interest generated by the Hidex AMG Gamma Counter, Southern Scientific aim to provide demonstrations of the instrument at various locations around the country. If you would be interested in seeing the unit in your area please contact Scott Baker.