The MX908 – a trace detector for all types of chemical threat
20th August 2020

Why the MX908 is an all-round trace chemical threat detector
Chemical threats, whether they are drugs of abuse, explosives, hazardous chemicals (TICs, TIMs), or Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs), all have the ability to severely harm people when used as weapons or when handled incorrectly.
For the general population, the key to not being harmed by chemical threats, simply put, is to not be exposed to them in the first place. For first responders and the military, this is not always an option as they are the first people on the scene of a chemical incident. Minimizing their exposure is integral to their safety.
Performing trace analysis is imperative to responder safety
To minimize exposure to chemical threats, first responders must limit the amount that they unpackage or open suspect containers with potentially dangerous unknown substances inside. This is not always easy, as identification of unknown substances frequently requires opening their containers. In the majority of cases, the contents of the container can be found in trace, or invisible, quantities on the outside of it. Hence, the ability to perform analysis of trace quantities of the chemicals on the outside of their containers is crucial. Additionally, in abandoned clandestine labs, trace analysis of surfaces can give first responders an indication of what the lab was used for, and what chemicals were previously there.
Bulk detection technology such as Raman or FTIR is unable to detect hidden quantities
The ability to perform trace chemical analysis is also essential in the identification of drugs of abuse. Some drugs are present in powders or tablets in trace (also known as hidden) quantities. Analysis is especially important if the trace quantity of drug is potentially lethal, like fentanyl and its analogs. Typically, drug analysis is performed using bulk detection technologies, such as Raman or FTIR.
Whilst these technologies are very useful and have a very high level of molecular specificity, they are unable to detect hidden quantities of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. Trace detection techniques overcome this issue.

High-Pressure Mass Spectrometry with the MX908
The MX908 High-Pressure Mass Spectrometer from 908 Devices is an all-round trace chemical threat detector. The use of High-Pressure Mass Spectrometry (HPMS) allows the MX908 to have both high sensitivity and high fidelity for identifying a range of solid, liquid and vapor chemical threats, all down to the trace level. HPMS allows the MX908 to overcome standard problems with common trace detectors. Unlike other detectors, the MX908 is highly selective, whilst having a low false-positive rate. It also has a large library of chemical threats, is simple to use and performs analysis in less than a minute.