908 Devices Webinar: Novichoks in the News
17th February 2021

Webinar: Learn more about the history of Novichok
Join 908 Devices for a panel discussion webinar next week on Wednesday 24th February at 6pm GMT as they explore the history of how Novichok chemical warfare agents were developed. In this session they will:
- Discuss the unique challenges Novichoks present to the responder
- Review known events where Novichoks were used
- Provide response recommendations
- Discuss detection and identification solutions
What are Novichoks?
Novichoks are Fourth Generation Agents (FGAs) in the chemical warfare category which were specifically designed under the Russian Foliant program in the 1970s and 1980s to circumvent NATO countermeasures including detection, protection, and decontamination. Although new, these agents have been used with varying degrees of success in recent years. Attacks include the attempted assassination of Russian counter-agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, UK, and more recently Alexei Navalky in Russia.
Who are the speakers?
Speaker: Dr. Christina Baxter, CEO, Emergency Response TIPS
Moderator: Dr. Mark Norman, Director of Field Applications, 908 Devices
Due to the nature of the webinar content, attendance is limited to government, military, and law enforcement organizations. Please use your government email address when registering.
For questions or to request an exception, please contact cfaiola@908devices.com.