Aerial detection and collection of biological and chemical threats with FLIR’s MUVE™
1st September 2022

The B330 and C360 are modules fitted to unmanned drones for continuous real-time monitoring
FLIR’s MUVE™ B330 and MUVE™ C360 are designed for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to provide continuous real-time monitoring of biological and chemical threats. They deliver protection for combat forces and security services by allowing potentially hazardous environments to be assessed at a safe distance and reducing response times.

MUVE™ B330 biological detector and collector
The MUVE™ B330 is a continuous biological detector and collector deployed by drone that can quickly gather a comprehensive overview of developing situations. It can be rapidly deployed to remotely identify biological threats using continuous air sampling and monitor a situation within minutes.
The B330 is designed to be intuitive and easy to use with minimal maintenance. When a hazardous condition is detected, an alarm system notifies the pilot immediately. Sensor display is provided by the Mission Control Station (MCS) piloting interface and allows the pilot to visually mark hazards accurately using a map with easy-to-understand pin drops.
- UV Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), an optical spectroscopic technique that excites the sample using a laser, and the emitted fluorescence is captured by a photodetector
- Sample introduction via airborne particles and triggered aerosol sample collector
- Aerosol; flow rate 4.0 L/min (0.14 ft3/min)
- Cover threats from spores, vegetative bacteria, viruses, and toxins with particle sizes from 0.7 – 10 microns
- Sensitivity <100 particles/L of air
You can learn more about the B330 by clicking the button below.

MUVE™ C360 integrated multi-gas detector
The MUVE™ C360 is a multi-gas detector deployed by drone to identify chemical hazards. The C360’s sensor block has 8 channels, including a photoionization detector (PID) for gas and vapor analytes and a Lower Explosive Limit detector (LEL) for potentially explosive gases. To reduce response times, sensor readouts are prioritised based on threat conditions.
The C360 includes an integrated snorkel to counteract the effects of rotor wash by extending past the drone’s propellers to sample undisturbed air. It safeguards users by analyzing the air quality of an environment prior to entry, allowing users to preset alarm thresholds before deployment, and locating the leak source and tracking its progression.
You can learn more about the C360 and arrange a demonstration of its capabilities by clicking the button below.