Early warning area monitoring for airborne chemical threats

21st August 2024

At a glance

> The MX908 Beacon is world’s only remote monitoring system that can detect both vapour and aerosol threats.

> In this video, find out how it can identify PBAs and CWAs in real-time to provide early warning to security and emergency services.

> The Beacon expands the capabilities of the MX908 HP/MS, allowing it to remotely collect data anywhere in the world.

Early warning area monitoring

The threat posed by chemical agents being released into the air, either by accident or through malicious intent, presents a significant risk to the general public and environment. The Moscow theatre hostage crisis in 2002 is a clear example of such dangers, which led to many deaths following the deployment of chemical agents by security services there.

908 Devices have introduced the world’s only remote monitoring system that can detect both vapour and aerosol threats with the Beacon, a housing accessory that expands the capabilities of the proven MX908 high-pressure mass spectrometer. Capable of identifying Pharmaceutical-Based Agents (PBA), including fentanyl and its derivatives, and Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA), it provides real-time early warning for a range of scenarios where active monitoring may be required, including:

> Public events

> Critical or strategic infrastructure

> CBRNe forces

> Exclusion zones

Real-time data collection and dissemination

The Beacon allows airborne hazards to be immediately identified, providing security and emergency services with sufficient warning to react quickly. Multiple Beacons can be operated by a single user using a single device anywhere in the world. Collected data can be shared internally in an organisation or with other services for a coordinated rapid deployment of countermeasures and safeguarding protocols.

The Beacon can identify:

> A-series agents (Novichoks)

> V-series agents

> G-series agents

> Sulfur mustard


> Lachrymatory agents

Find out more

You can learn more about the MX908 Beacon by watching the video above or clicking the button below to speak to a product specialist directly.