Instant results whenever and wherever with this compact and portable counting system

Triathler is a single sample counter which provides fast and accurate results for several life science and environmental applications. It can count all radioisotopes including tritium in a variety of sample formats. Due to its very small size and light weight, Triathler can be taken in the field to measure samples on the spot.

Although small, Triathler has many advanced features such as advanced spectrum analysis using a multi-channel analyzer (MCA), Instant DPM results, single-photon luminescence counting, and optional PC control and data transfer.

Triathler in Monitoring...

Wipe Tests
Triathler provides fast and reliable results for regulatory wipe tests in lab areas.

Water Measurements
Triathler has alpha-beta separation capabilities which makes it ideal to detect alpha-isotopes like Radon (222Rn) in water. It is also sensitive enough to perform monitoring of 3H in discharge water used at power plant sites.

Soil Measurements
With proper extraction techniques, Triathler can be used to measure soil samples for contamination with any radioisotope

Triathler in Life Sciences...

Molecular Biology
Triathler is well suited for metabolic studies, genetic studies, cell proliferation assays, receptor-ligand assays, and other applications in biosciences. For example, using the optional plastic scintillator adapter (PSA), 32P can be measured non-destructively (without cocktail).

Marine Biology
Triathler is commonly used to measure growth of phytoplankton in seawater and lakes by measuring uptake of 14C.

Triathler is ideal as an easy-to-use diagnostic tool in research for detection of beta and gamma isotopes, such as 14C and 125I.

Triathler can be used as a high sensitivity luminometer for both glow and flash type assays, such as ATP monitoring, luciferase and bacterial measurements. An optional reagent injector is available for more demanding applications, such as kinetic measurements.


Triathler has advanced features such as a built-in multichannel analyzer, optional alpha-beta separation electronics, and connectivity to a PC for instrument control and data analysis.

Easy to Use

A keypad allows single key operation for immediate results using preset protocols for any isotope.


Triathler’s small size and light weight make it ideal for personal use on a benchtop or for on-site field/sea measurements.


Triathler is suitable for just about any beta radiation, gamma radiation or luminescence application and accepts most types of vials and sample formats.

Becquerel Finder

Triathler Becquerel Finder is optimized for detection of radioactive isotopes in the event of a nuclear emergency in food. The instrument is equipped with an external NaI detector with an enlarged lead shield, which facilitates the use of Marinelli beakers with total sample volume of up to 1L. This enables rapid detection of I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 in foodstuff, water and milk.


  • Simple operation, the user selects the nuclide by name and presses the ‘start’ key, the instrument does the rest and provides total count rate.
  • The Bequerel Finder can be connected to Triathler LSC for combined alpha and beta detection.
  • Preset Nuclides: I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137.
  • Detection Limit: 20Bq/L Cs-137 (5 minutes counting time).
  • 15 keV - 1000 keV energy range, 1023 channel MCA.
  • Stand alone or connected to a PC.
  • 50 x 50 mm NaI detector planar type.
  • Background shield 40 mm of lead.
  • Single or dual label counting with spillover correction.
  • RS-232 connection or with USB adapter.
  • Power input: 12V DC, 3 A or 100/240 V AC, 50/60Hz
  • Dimensions and Weight:
    • Control Unit: H 19 cm x L 33 cm x W 25 cm, Weight 6 kg
    • Lead Shield: H 40 cm x D 24 cm, Weight 105 kg

NaI Well Counter

The Hidex Triathler with an external NaI detector can be used in research PET scanning facilities to count blood samples as part of imaging protocols in order to derive quantitative parametric images.

The system is suited to counting samples emitting 511keV photons (thick scintillation crystal with adequate shielding from external 511keV photons) which can be linked up to a PC and printer for data transfer and hardcopy.

This turnkey NaI system comprises a multichannel analyser with an external NaI detector (model 431-040) and an optional lead shield (model 431-041).


  • Simple operation, the user selects the nuclide by name and presses the "start" key, the instrument does the rest
  • 15 keV .. 2000 keV energy range, 1000 channel MCA
  • Stand alone or PC configuration, no external PC is needed (but can be connected)
  • 50 x 50 mm NaI detector, end well, well diam. 25 mm, well depth 33 mm
  • Background shield 30 mm of lead
  • Single or dual label counting with spill-over correction
  • 32 character alphanumerical display
  • An RS-232 port to drive a PC or a printer
  • Preset nuclides:125I, 129I, 57Co, 51Cr, 137Cs, 58Co
  • Software for MS Windows to download the results to a file or MS Excel worksheet is included
  • Power input: 12V DC, 1.5 A or 100 .. 240 V AC, 50/60Hz
  • Mechanical data, control unit: H 190 mm, D 330 mm, W 250 mm, weight 6 kg
  • Mechanical data, lead shield: H 350 mm, D 200 mm

Existing Hidex Triathler customers 

Click the tabs below to learn more about our customers and their applications.

Yvelines Departmental Fire and Rescue Service, France

Safeguarding the Paris Olympics

The Yvelines Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (commonly abbreviated to SDIS 78 in French) has procured a Hidex Triathler for the Olympic Games in Paris to complement their existing range of detectors for radiological threats. As part of the service’s Mobile Radiological Response Unit, Captain Jean-Nicolas Cluzeau is SDIS 78’s technical advisor for radiological threats. He first became aware of the Triathler during his training at ENSOSP, France’s national school for fire officers, when writing a technical report dedicated to the detection of low-energy alphas and betas, as well as alphas in aqueous environments.

You can find out what Captain Cluzeau had to say by clicking the button below.


Main Unit Steel plate case
Display 2 x 16 character LC display
Keyboard 16 membrane type push buttons
Light Detector A photomultiplier tube
Microcomputer Intel 80196NU, 50 MHz clock cycle
Program Memory 512 kb EPROM
Non Volatile Memory 64 kb SRAM
Multichannel Analyser Dual, Gated, 12 bit linear ADC
MCA Conversion Time 700 ns
Data Output RS-232 to printer or PC
PMT Bias Supply Microcomputer controlled. 0...1300 V
Power Input +12 V ±20% DC
External Power Unit 12 V DC, 2 A
Dimensions 190 (h) x 330 (d) x 250 (w) mm
Weight 9 kgs / 19.8 lbs



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