Detecting the Covert Movement of Radioactive Materials
a. The covert movement of special nuclear material or weapons into populated areas represents possibly the greatest threat to the security of our world. Radionuclide detection and identification systems are required to effectively detect or deter this threat by recognising the presence or movement of radioactive material across borders, into government buildings, at large public gatherings and much more. The identiFINDER S900 system was designed for this purpose..
Depending on the amount of radioactive material present, the speed of the source in transit, and the detection unit chosen, radionuclides can be detected and properly identified in a few seconds. The type of material is classified as medical, industrial, naturally occurring (NORM) or special nuclear material (SNM), as well as whether it is innocent, suspicious or threatening. In addition, the specific isotope is identified and security personnel are alerted via visible or audible annunciators.
Series 200
Basic Detection Units are housed in a dust and moisture proof Aluminium enclosure, with a 2" diameter by 3" NaI detector, RJ-45 Ethernet communication and PoE (Power over Ethernet). An optional He3 neutron detector and high doserate GM detector are available. Wireless communication with rechargeable battery power is also available.
Series 300
Stanchion Detection Units are housed in a security stanchion with a 2" diameter by 3" NaI detector, RJ-45 Ethernet communication and PoE. An optional He3 neutron detector and high doserate GM detector are available. Wireless communication with rechargeable battery power is also available.
Series 400
Ruggidized Detection Units are housed in a watertight stainless steel enclosure that is deployable down to depths of 165 feet with a 2" diameter by 2" NaI detector, RS-232C communication with rechargeable batteries for power.
Series 700
Security Detection Units are housed in an Aluminium pedestal with wood top and base with a large 2" thick by 4" wide by 16" lond NaI detector, DSP electronics, uninterruptable power supply (UPS) with RJ-45 Ethernet communication. An optional He3 neutron detector and high doserate GM detector are available.
Series 800
Portal Detection Units are enclosed in an Aluminium housing with a wood top and base with 2 large 2" thick by 4" wide by 16" long NaI detectors, DSP electronics, uninterruptable power supply (UPS) with RJ-45 Ethernet communication. An optional He3 neutron detector and high doserate GM detector are available.
identiFINDER S900 Integration Methodologies
identiFINDER S900 detection units are offered in an assortment of housings and detector sizes that can be tailored to application-specific environments and sensitivities. In any deployment scenario, the identiFINDER S900 system can be installed covertly and does not require significant changes to the transit path of people in a facility. When multiple identiFINDER S900 detection units are utilised in a single deployment, the server offers central data processing to sum data and provide greater sensitivity and accuracy. This type of installation requires only one neutron capable detection unit, providing a level of cost effectiveness while mitigating the security risk.
A basic identiFINDER S900 integration method is the installation of several Series 200 detection units into the door frames of an existing building entrance. In this scenario, people utilising the facility are not aware of a change in the heightened level of security. The identiFINDER S900 software quickly identifies any radioactive source present and alerts local security personnel, while also transmitting the results to a remote command center.
Other integration methods include replacing standard crowd control stanchions in declared security lane with stanchion detection units. By outward appearance, the detection units look identical to every other stanchion. This allows security professionals to covertly increase the level of security at a facility without broadcasting detection capabilities to potential terrorists.
The identiFINDER S900 system can be tailored to a variety of scenarios based on desired sensitivity. Even a singular unit detects extremely small amounts of radioactive material. The tables below assume typical background levels and provide a rough order of magnitude for detection of a variety of commonly encountered sources.

Datasheet IdentiFINDER S900 Brochure
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Application Notes
Radiation App Note 1 Autonomous Radiation Identification For Critical Infrastructure Protection
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Radiation App Note 2 Autonomous Radiation Identification For Wide-Area Monitoring
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