Helgeson 'Quicky' In-Vivo Counter is a whole-body counter. The 'Quicky' is used to rapidly screen personnel or it can be used with a fixed counting time to obtain more precise results. The printed results provide the documentation for subject identification, counting time and date.

Results can be reported with different units of measurements. The 'Quicky' can reduce your regular counting requirements and costs significantly.


'Quicky' has a 'user-friendly' software with a menu format that provides a variety of standard and optional operating programs. System performance software includes a Quality Assurance program that checks the electronics of both the NaI(TI) and proportional counters, reporting any malfunctioning to the operator. An Energy Calibration program allows the gains of the individual detector-amplifier systems to be adjusted to uniformity and conformity to the design parameters.

The 'Quicky' is a high-performance instrument that uses four NaI(TI) detectors and/or twenty gas flow proportional counters (according to the customer requirements). This instrument will perform quantitative measurements of internally deposited radionuclides as well as determining the amount and location of external contamination. A linear geometry minimises counting errors due to weight and height differences.

The 'Quicky' system features a continuous background monitoring capability which reduces counting time and increases accuracy. Electronic components are chosen for long term unattended operation and stability.

Height 203 cm
Width 81 cm
Length 216 cm
Weight (approx.)
2730 kg
4 units NaI(Tl), 10 x 10 x 7.5 cm
Model I, plastic scintillator detectors
Model III, 20 gas flow proportional counters for hands, feet, head, front and back of body
Power Requirements
105 - 125 volts AC: 60 Hz, 10 Amp
200 - 250 volts AC: 50 Hz, 5 Amp
Environmental Requirements
Temperature: +16°C to +40°C max.
Humidity: 30% - 80% non-condensing
Shielding (Lead)
5 cm around the detector(s) (adjustable)
5 cm behind the subject (adjustable)
Software Data Acquisition, continuous spectral display
Data Analysis with graphs of original data and residuals
Calibrations: Energy vs. Channel and Efficiency
Parameter modification for complete control: acquistion, analysis and miscellaneous parameters
File maintenance
Miscellaneous utility programs



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