CMS60D – CMS60XD hand, foot and clothes monitors
The Tema Sinergie hand, foot and clothes monitors are designed to measure gamma radiation and contamination levels. The monitors are ideal for use in nuclear medicine, radiopharmacy and radiochemistry labs or any other area with the possibility of beta and gamma radioisotope contamination.
There are two models, the CMS60D and CMS60XD.
CMS60D hand, foot and clothes monitor
The CMS60D systems are equipped with five identical GM tubes detectors, one for each of the hands and feet plus one that is removable, for monitoring of the clothing.
CMS60XD hand, foot and clothes monitor
- The CMS60XD comes with two RXD 1000T detectors for hands and feet and one RXD 270 detector for clothing. The RXD 1000T detector includes two independent channels, for independent measurements of the right hand, left hand, right foot and left foot.
Both systems perform in sequence the measurements of hands (front and back), feet and clothes with automatic background subtraction. At the end of the cycle, a report is shown on the monitor and automatically saved to the archive.
CMS60D – CMS60XD hand, foot and clothes monitors features
- Graphic LCD with digital indication of the measure for each channel. Measure unit can be set in cps or Bq/cm2 (with isotope selection from keyboard)
- Automatic measure cycle: operator selection, isotope selection, hands and feet measure, clothes measure
- Operator database. Each operator is privately profiled: this allow the system to work with individual magnetic cards (optional)
- Measures archive. Each measure record contains the following information: operator, measure date and time, alarm status for each detector, measure value and error for each detector, selected isotope. The archive can be downloaded via Ethernet or RS232 connection
- Automatic background subtraction: the system measures the background with configurable period and duration. The measure algorithm excludes incidental peaks not related to background activity such as radioactive syringe passages
- Automatic detector power off after every measure
- lsotopes database (default isotopes are: Tl201, Tc99m, Ga67, Co60, l131, l125, F18, Co57, ln111, l123)
- Alarm thresholds are configurable for each isotope
- Software with n. 3 configurable languages (ltalian, English, French)
CMS60D – CMS60XD hand, foot and clothes technical specifications
- Detectors: 5 GM tubes with wide-surface front window
- Detecting surface: 250 cm2 each - (1.250 cm2) total
- Window thickness: 14 mg/cm2
- Window material: Aluminium
- Lower energy limit: 10 KeV for gamma
- 150 KeV for beta
- Statistic Error: ± 15 %.
- Detectors: Proportional detectors with Xe:
- 2 RXD 1000T detectors with n. 2 channels each
- 1 RXD 270 detector (for clothes) (lmage 3)
- Detecting surface: RXD 270 | 270 cm2
- RXD 1000T | 1.000 cm2
- Window thickness: 6.75 mg/cm2
- Window material: Titanium
For both models
- Display: 17” LCD Monitor with indication of each measure channel
- Power supply: 110-220 Vac
- Frequency: 50-60Hz
- Power consumption: 60 W
- Dimensions: 45(w) x 95(d) x 150(h) cm
- Weight: 65 Kg
- Measurement time: Adjustable between 1 and 99 seconds
- Options: Individual magnetic card (personal badge): system can be equipped with a card reader
- Card is used to identify the operator and start the measure
CMS60D hand, foot and clothes monitor existing customers
Click on the tabs below to find out more about our customers, and how they are using the CMS60D.
CMS60D And CMS60XD Brochure
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CMS60D And CMS60XD Technical Specifications
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