The world wide standard for QualityAssurance for Radiotherapy
The ART phantoms are moulded of tissue-equivalent materialand they are designed for accuracy and ease of use.
The ART phantom slices are held between aluminium plates bynylon tie rods and the knobs at the ends of the rods clamp theslices tightly in proper alignment.
The external assembly facilities film Dosimetry, while the internalassembly is used generally with TLD's or ion-chamber Dosimetry.
- Soft tissue equivalent is made to the average density of a human body.
- Detailed polymer skeleton that emulates the density.
- The phantom is subdivided into 2.5 cm slices.
- Incorporates 'Dosimetry Holes' for placement of TLDs.
- These are indispensable QA tools.
- The skeleton has the attenuation co-efficient of natural bone.
- They provide an integrated test of the entire chainof treatment planning and delivery.
Male - A.R.T. represents a 175 cm / 5'9" male, weighing 73.5 kgs / 11.5 stone
Female - A.R.T. represents a 155 cm / 5'1" female, weighing 50 kgs / 7.75 stone
Gender | Type | Sections | Not Driled | *3 x 3 cm Code | *1.5 x 1.5 cm Code |
Male | Body | 0-35 | RSD/ART-200x | RSD/ART-200 | RSD/ART-200A |
Male | Head & Neck | 0-09 | RSD/ART-210X | RSD/ART-210 | RSD/ART-210A |
Male | Chest | 10-25 | RSD/ART-211X | RSD/ART-211 | RSD/ART-211A |
Male | Pelvis | 26-35 | RSD/ART-212X | RSD/ART-212 | RSD/ART-212A |
Female | Body | 0-32 | RSD/ART-300X | RSD/ART-300 | RSD/ART-300A |
Female | Head & Neck | 0-09 | RSD/ART-310X | RSD/ART-310 | RSD/ART-300A |
Female | Chest | 10-23 | RSD/ART-311X | RSD/ART-311 | RSD/ART-311A |
Female | Pelvis | 24-32 | RSD/ART-312X | RSD/ART-312 | RSD/ART-312A |
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