The new Pro-Dent CT mk II phantom is a versatile quality control tool of dental Cone-Beam CT, Dental Volume Tomography (DVT) and other 3D imaging devices according to the Radiation Protection Report no 172 by SEDENTEXCT.

The phantom consists of a main PMMA cylinder that houses modules with different test objects. Thanks to this design, you can perform tests with devices with a small FOV at different positions in the 160mm phantom.

  • Diameter: 160mm
  • Made of PMMA (1.19 g/cm3)
  • Total length: 170mm
  • Noise / uniformity section:
  • Uniform PMMA part of the phantom
  • Geometric distortion section:
    • An array of 2.0 mm diameter, 3.0 mm long holes uniformly pitched at 10.0 mm intervals
    • 5 layer modules section with modules containing
    • Linear Spread Function (LSF) PTFE / PMMA interface
    • Point Spread Function (PSF) - 0.25 mm stainless steel wire in air
    • XY high contrast resolution (aluminum/polymer) - 1.0, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 4.0, 5.0 LP/mm
    • Z high contrast resolution (aluminum/polymer) - 1.0, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 4.0, 5.0 LP/mm
    • 6 low-contrast groups of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 mm rods made of: aluminum, PTFE, POM-C (delrin), PE-300, air and water emulating epoxy; background made of PMMA
    • 10 mm rods made of aluminum, PTFE, POM-C (delrin), PE-300, air and water emulating epoxy suspended in PMMA - pixel intensity / HU values samples
    • Stacked 20mm diameter contrast-to-noise discs made of aluminum, PTFE, POM-C (delrin), PE-300 and air suspended in PMMA
    • Three 5.0 mm diameter titanium rods embedded in PMMA - beam hardening artefacts
  • Positioning aids on the outside surface of the phantom
  • Test stand with spirit level for accurate placing of the phantom in the test position
  • Folding base for test stand positioning on the X-ray unit’s chair
  • Convenient, portable case for storing and transporting the phantom


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