Upgraded contrast details mammography phantom according to European Protocol for quality assurance in Digital Mammography. It can be used to determine if mammographic images indicate objects with very low contrast and very small diameter, to find out the optimum exposure technique, or to compare image quality at various object thicknesses by varying the PMMA thickness.
Product highlights
- unmatched accuracy – up to 30 times better than other products on the market
- gold disc objects positioned at depth suggested by EUREF
- smallest objects are positioned in the middle of the phantom where sensitivity of the x-ray device is the best
- discs are grouped into five sections relative to the EUREF limiting diameters values (2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and 1.0 mm)
- disc thickness is optimized to result in contrast details curves for each diameter to correspond perfectly with EUREF limiting values
- no materials other than PMMA are used, so there is no need to calculate PMMA-equivalent attenuation for other materials such as aluminium
- for full-field analog and digital units
- Diagnomatic software provides automatic and semi-automatic analysis of the phantom’s images, providing all the necessary information like Contrast-Details curve, making quality assurance simple and quick
Product features:
- complies with:
– 4th edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis (EPQC)
– Euref type test protocol version 1.2– EN-IEC 61223-3-2
– IEC 61223-3-2
– NHSBSP Equipment Report 0604, Commissioning and Routine Testing of Full Field Digital Mammography Systems Published April 2009 (Version 3)
– DIN 6868-162 - CE certified
- the manual provides detailed guidelines for carrying out each test, results assessment and registration
Technical data (can be modified to customer specifications):
- phantom size: 240 x 180 or 300 x 240 mm
- main 20 mm module contains 672 gold (99.99%) discs
- 21 diameters from 0.08 - 2.00 mm
- each diameter has its own optimized thickness range of 5 nm – 110 nm for the 2.00 mm diameter gold discs to 600 nm – 2800 nm for the 0.08 mm diameter, all in 16 steps
- discs are placed at a depth of 10 mm
- 2 discs per cell, one disc is placed in the middle and one near the random corner of the cell
- diameter accuracy 0.001 mm (1 μm)
- thickness accuracy: 0.1 nm (0.0001 μm)
- 2 additional 10 mm PMMA plates (thickness accuracy about 0.05 mm)
- 2 additional 5 mm PMMA plates (thickness accuracy about 0.05 mm)
- carrying case

Note a very good correlation of Contrast Details Curves of the Pro-MAM Gold mk II phantom against the limiting values set by EUREF. This ensures unmatched evaluation of a mammography system performance according to the requirements of European Protocol for quality assurance in Digital Mammography.
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