The Alpha Body Monitor is a multi-task Whole Body Counter designed for the detection and measurement of BETA and GAMMA contamination, on potentially exposed personnel. It has been specifically designed for Controlled area exits.

It includes 26 plastic detectors with a ZnS coating. The detectors work autonomously and are designed to work with different alarm levels. the BOMO is fully automated, the sensors detect when a person enters the portal, interrupting the background reading and initiating automatically a thorough examination of the subject.


The Alpha BOMO uses plastic scintillators with a ZnS coating for alpha and beta detection. Each detector is connected to its own HV source and electronics in order to separate its performance from the other detectors. This allows disconnecting a detector if a malfunctioning is detected, keeping the BOMO still functional while the repair is carried out.

The beta scintillator includes a thin layer of ZnS in order to detect alpha particles.

Voice notifications

A voice synthesizer module is incorporated to allow the user to clearly understand the measurements steps and any warning message even without a clear view of the display.

The user can customize a voice message for each stage of the measurement. the messages can be repeated and amended at any time.


  • Detectors totally independent for each type of radiation. 26 plastic scintillators + ZnS. More than 9000 cm2 of sensitive area.
  • Each detector is configurable via software by the operator to define its operating energy (beta or gamma), zones, alarms, cancellation of a specific detector, etc.
  • Efficiency for Beta (2π in contact with grid): C-14 ≥ 4% Co60 ≥ 22% Cl-36 ≥ 44% Sr90/Y90 ≥ 52%
  • TCP / IP and / or RS232 / RS485 communication between modules.
  • Sensors for the automatic detection of people, both in proximity / access and in the counting position.
  • Motorized head detector, with automatic adjustment on the head of the subject.
  • Exit door in metallic frame with high impact methacrylate panels. Electrically operated entrance barrier.
  • Operation / measurement in two steps (front position and back position).
  • LED lighting.
  • To facilitate any technical intervention, all the equipment’s electronics are located on the right side panel (in front of the detectors).
  • Digital parameter adjustment (without potentiometers or mechanical actuators).
  • LCD or LED-Color touch screens for information and control. External keyboards included.
  • Integrated industrial PC (without maintenance), with Windows 10 operating system.
  • Includes calibration routines, verification and configuration (alarms, levels, gain, etc).
  • Software, HS-RAD, customizable in all its functions and languages.
  • Critical routines such as calibration, algorithms, etc., protected by password.
  • Allows its remote operation (TCP / IP). Optional module for ADR interconnection.
  • It has a standard USB port for data and historical dump in any USB external support (memory stick, disk, etc) as well as TCP / IP connector.
  • It has signal output for remote alarm indicators.
  • Texts, tone and volume of voice messages configurable by the user.
  • Record of events, funds, measures, alarms, operation failures, etc.
  • Dynamic automatic calculation of measurement duration.
  • Different configurable operating modes (background accounts, counting, etc...).
  • Indication, exterior and interior, optical and acoustic, status, alarms, etc.
  • All software and documentation in English.
  • Electronics and software used in multiple equipment installed in the Spanish NPPs, interchangeable and standardised.



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