A fully automated on-line monitoring system for the detection of radioactivity in water and air.

Wilma utilises a novel approach to streamline the time consuming process of sample collection and preparation traditionally required for detecting alpha and beta contamination via liquid scintillation counting.

Wilma is ideal for simplifying a range of applications which require routine sampling, including:

  • Ground water contamination monitoring.
  • Monitoring tritium levels in cooling water.
  • Air monitoring.
  • Drinking water and NORM monitoring.

Fully integrated system

The simple, self-contained unit combines fluid handling systems for sample collection, preparation, and disposal, with radiation detection and analysis of contamination, all within a rugged and compact housing. IP-rated enclosures are available upon request.

Totally autonomous radiation measurements

The self-contained monitor is able to operate independently, for as long as it has the necessary reagents. Wilma was designed to minimise waste production and reduce the consumables required. With a well-characterised response and stable background, this design allows a unit to continue running without supervision for in excess of 30 days.

Simple to use instrument

Wilma includes a touchscreen PC running user-friendly software, which allows easy configuration and monitoring of sampling and measurement cycles. Default measurement cycles can be provided to bring the instrument on-line soon after installation.

Completely customisable

Designed, developed and built by the LabLogic Group, Wilma can be fully customised to suit any application. The system can integrate additional sensors and measurement systems, handle complex sampling and preparation routines, and integrate with external monitoring and alarm networks. Two of the configurations currently available are:

1. Water Monitoring System

The Wilma Water Monitoring System combines the proven Wilma fluid handling and LSC modules with water samples at the source.

The system can be configured for remote measurements and transmit data via a secure wireless network. Ideal for campaign-based measurements, the system is mounted inside a rugged enclosure for all-weather protection.

2. Tritium in Air Monitoring System

The Wilma Tritium in Air Monitoring System utilises the configurable Wilma fluid handling and LSC detector to automate the operation of a tritium bubbler.

The customised software includes cycles to sample water in the bottles, as well as emptying, washing and refilling them as part of the standard operating procedure. This application allows long-term, remote monitoring of tritium in air levels down to less than 10 Bq/m3, ideal for monitoring in isolated locations or areas where access is difficult.

Contact the Southern Scientific team for a quote, to find out more information about the Wilma water radiation monitor, or to request a free demo.

Wilma On-line Radioactivity Monitor Features 

  • Small sample volume (max. 5 ml) minimises scintillation cocktail waste production.
  • Established coincidence-based liquid scintillation counting techniques gives background rates <5 cpm.
  • Counting windows can be set to permit maximum efficiency for radionuclides of interest.
  • Low energy ß counting efficiency (3H) > 15% for a 2 ml sample (2.5 ml scintillation cocktail).
  • Lower limit of detection for 3H is 2200 pCi/L (81.4 Bq/L) for a 60 min count time and 1500 pCi/L (55.5 Bq/L) for 120 min.
  • Proven detection sensitivity down to 10 nCi/L (370 Bq/L) for key environmental radionuclides 3H, 90Sr,137Cs and 241Am and giving sample recoveries in excess of 40%.
  • Compact MCA module (up to 8192 channels) provides an additional sample analysis metric to allow for rapid identification of contamination.
  • Manifold-based fluid handling module reduces risk of leakage, provides control of sample mixing with the scintillation cocktail and allows for easy maintenance.

Wilma On-line Radioactivity Monitor Software

  • Fully configurable measurement cycles gives user control over flow rates, analysis time, wash cycles and periodic calibration standard injection.
  • Measurement display provides information on gross counts, average count rates and real-time sample spectrum acquisition.
  • Animated flow path diagram permits easy observation of system status.
  • Measurement queue function allows a series of cycles to be run over a defined time period of up to several weeks.
  • Samples exceeding a pre-determined threshold trigger an automatic alarm which communicates the status and trigger conditions to system supervisors via e-mail.
  • Data export function to allow for additional analysis.

Wilma Radioactivity Monitor existing customers 

Click on the tabs below to find out more about our customers, and how they are using Wilma in their laboratories. 


The United Kingdom’s Atomic Energy Authority has procured Southern Scientific’s Wilma monitoring system along with a Marc 7000 tritium bubbler for use in detritiation and tritium analysis experiments at the H-3 Advanced Technologies (H3AT) division. H3AT focuses on tritium processing, distribution, storage, recycling, and disposal, and is part of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, the UK’s national laboratory for fusion research.

Mirjana Damjanovic is the UKAEA’s Waste Detritiation Lead Engineer who is leading the research into removing tritium from radioactive waste for the JET Decommissioning and Repurposing Programme. Explaining the decision to procure Wilma, Mirjana said, “We analyse tritium in water samples and did not have an existing system for continuously monitoring tritium in water, so Wilma was a new system introduced at H3AT.”


National Physical Laboratory, UK

The MetroDECOM II project addresses a significant challenge facing the EU’s nuclear industry: creating viable solutions for nuclear waste management from decommissioned sites. The cost of decommissioning and waste management in the EU is estimated to be over €150 billion.

Contributing to the project, Southern Scientific’s Wilma aims to provide a remote, automated air monitoring system to deploy to test sites, enabling the safe storage and disposal of nuclear waste.

Wilma’s existing functionality utilises a novel approach to streamline the process of sample collection and preparation required for detecting and quantifying alpha and beta contamination in liquid samples via scintillation counting. Wilma includes touchscreen PC running user-friendly software, which allows easy configuration and monitoring of sampling and measurement cycles.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Wilma is a fully automated online radioactivity monitoring system, designed to streamline the time-consuming process of collecting and preparing samples for detecting ionising radiation in water.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a private research university in the United States, has installed Wilma recently to monitor tritium (3H) levels in cooling tower water at its Nuclear Reactor Laboratory facility.




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