News Archive

15% off the AlphaE radon monitor
12th December 2018
Now is the perfect time to get the AlphaE radon monitor, with 15% off until Friday 21st December. Click here to learn more.

How do you manage contamination control?
6th December 2018
Meet your needs of contamination control with the SaphyRAD C, a flexible multiprobe contamination monitor designed to detect radioactive surface contamination. Click to see the full range of detection options.

Your one-stop shop for X-ray QA
27th November 2018
Look no further than Southern Scientific for a full range of X-ray QA products, covering all of the following application areas. Click here to find out more.

University of Liverpool choose complete preclinical solution
8th November 2018
The University of Liverpool have chosen Southern Scientific's preclinical maging solution for its new preclinical laboratory. The foundation of the solution are the powerful MOLECUBES preclinical PET/SPECT/CT imagers, offering whole body in-vivo multimodal preclinical imaging. To find out more click here.

Why you should upgrade your dose calibrator
25th October 2018
With Capintec discontinuing the CRC-25R, we spoke to an experienced user of the newer generation CRC 55tR dose calibrator. With a simple touchscreen display, the CRC 55tR provide the speed, accuracy and reliability you need to measure and prepare doses. Click here to learn more.

RTI's Extended Warranty
10th October 2018
The RTI extended warranty program for the Piranha and Cobia X-ray QA meters gives you up to a 10 year warranty. On top of the 24 months standard, a new calibration renews your warranty for another 24 months, up to 10 years, ensuring your instrument is always working accurately. Find out more here.

Alternatives to the Aloka Personal Dosimeters
4th October 2018
Aloka has recently discontinued its range of personal dosimeters; the MYDOSE mini PDM range is no longer being manufactured, therefore is not available to buy from Southern Scientific. However, there are several new alternatives which have superior capabilities, such as the Tracero PED range. The PED range is known for its lightweight, robust and compact design, and comes with advanced DoseVision software to manage and analyse data. Click here to read more.

A special feature in CBNW XPLOSIVE
27th September 2018
Southern Scientific's CBRNe specialist, James Tomlinson, has written a feature for CBNW Xplosive magazine. Click to read the article.

Seamless radiation monitoring with Mirion's handheld radiation detection range
26th September 2018
Mirion Technologies have a range of handheld radiation products including dose rate meters and personal dosimeters. Click to find out more.

A modified Radhound radiation monitor perfect for STFC
12th September 2018
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) recently had their Radhound radiation monitor customised to meet the requirements of their research. The multi-purpose digital radiation monitor is ideal for contamination monitoring and radiation protection needs.

The AlphaGuard radon monitor provides a radon lab everywhere
6th September 2018
The AlphaGuard radon monitor simultaneously measures and records ambient temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure with its embedded sensors. The portable instrument is suitable for several measurements and analysis applications, find out more.

The GeGI handheld gamma spectrometer locates, identifies, and quantifies nuclear environments
5th September 2018
The PHDS GeGi can accurately locate, identify, and quantify nuclear environments. The instrument is a portable high-resolution gamma imaging spectrometer with a germanium detector, perfect for a variety of nuclear applications. Find out more here.

UCLH install the Concealed Ceiling Monitor
29th August 2018
UCLH have installed Southern Scientific's Concealed Ceiling Monitor, which provides effective activity monitoring of therapy patients following administration of radioactive therapeutic treatment. Click here to read what they had to say.

Introducing the Bioemtech Eyes - Portable Preclinical Imaging Systems
26th August 2018
The entry-level, low-cost Bioemtech Eyes range features two portable in-vivo small animal imaging systems, the γ-eye for SPECT imaging and β-eye for PET imaging. Both systems are extremely compact and portable and are offered in s a suitcase with all components ready for use. Click here to find out more.

Developing Plastic Scintillation Tiles through a Collaborative Approach
16th August 2018
Southern Scientific is developing a UK base for expertise, development and supply of plastic scintillation materials in partnership with the University of Sheffield. The plastic scintillation tiles have a range of applications, including homeland security, nuclear scanning and nuclear decommissioning. Click here to find out more.

Serstech 100 Indicator: Ideal for Assessing Chemicals
16th August 2018
The Serstech 100 indicator is ideal for assessing chemicals. The portable, rugged, and reliable handheld Raman spectrometer can easily speed up the chemical identification process in emergency situations. Click here to find out more.

Southern Scientific say goodbye to CRC-25R dose calibrator
15th August 2018
Capintec is taking the CRC-25R dose calibrator off the production line this summer. Click to read more about the new generation of dose calibrators.

Pre-loaded iodine seeds are a success at Royal Victoria Infirmary
1st August 2018
Southern Scientific has sold pre-loaded iodine seeds for breast tumour localisation to the Royal Victoria Infirmary hospital in Newcastle. Click to read our customer's testimonial!

Take Advantage of Our Special Offer on CBRNe Products
1st June 2018
Southern Scientific is pleased to offer an exclusive discount on a select few of our CBRNe product range, including products from FLIR. Click here and claim the offer before ends!

Introducing Pro-Project's NDT range of Image Quality Indicators
25th May 2018
Southern Scientific are pleased to announce that they are the UK distributors of Pro-Project's leading European range of NDT image quality indicators. These instruments help to check image quality of CR scanners and X-ray instruments are not affected by issues such as image unsharpness or laser beam jitter. Click to find out more.

The LabLogic Group and GDPR
25th May 2018
The LabLogic Group has updated its privacy policy to better represent the steps taken by the company to ensure customer data is handled in an ethical fashion, in alignment with the new GDPR regulations. Click here to read more.

Tracerco's new personal electronic dosimeter with an extended dose rate range
11th May 2018
Tracerco have launched a new addition to their popular personal dosimeter line. The PED-ER and PED-ER+ have an extended dose rate range of 1 Sv/h (100 R/h), and maintain the familiar rugged, compact, and lightweight design making them perfect for various applications. Click to read more.

Care Wise to showcase the new C-Trak Apollo Gamma Probe System
30th April 2018
Check out the latest C-Trak Apollo Gamma Probe System sentinel node biopsies, now with new connectivity options. Find out how it could help your department's surgery.

The SaphyRAD E is a new-generation multiprobe contamination monitor
25th April 2018
Introducing the SaphyRAD E multiprobe radioactive contamination monitor, a new-generation multiprobe contamination monitor designed to detect surface contamination within controlled areas or on personnel leaving those areas. Find out more.

Wilma facilitates screening of water or effluent samples for radioactive content
11th April 2018
Wilma can efficiently measure and analyse your water samples for radioactive content. Its technology removes the need for manual sample collection, preparation and the queuing at a central based liquid scintillation counter. Read on to find out more.

Claim your exclusive 20% discount for the AlphaE for a limited time only
7th March 2018
Claim your exclusive 20% discount for the AlphaE ultra-small continuous radon monitor for a limited time only. Find out how easy it is.

Has your current provider stopped supporting your operating system?
6th March 2018
Old operating system? We have a perfect solution to sustain your MiE can provide you with their Scintron software, which is compatible with even the latest operating systems, ensure excellent image quality. Learn how you can extend the life of your here.

Don't be limited by the lab - with FLIR's G510 chemical detector
27th February 2018
The Griffin G510 can quickly and easily identify chemical hazards in emergency situations; purpose built for portability and with an array of innovative features, the G510 ensures ultimate flexibility within field missions. Find out more.
See the implementation of radiological monitoring systems post-fukushima.
20th February 2018
Learn about the implementation of Saphymo's robust radiological monitoring systems post-fukushima
What makes a good RIID? - CBNW Magazine Feature
12th February 2018
Learn about the recent developments in the field of portable gamma ray spectrometers/ radioisotope identification devices

See us at the 'Decommissioning - Lessons Learned' event
1st February 2018
The SRP is hosting a meeting on the lessons learned during decommissioning of non-nuclear and nuclear facilities in Edinburgh

The importance of directionality in breast surgery
18th January 2018
The C-Trak Galaxy gamma probe system balances sensitivity and directionality to ensure efficient detection of radiation for use during sentinel node biopsies. Learn how it can improve your surgery here.
Decommissioning site places Hi-Q order
9th January 2018

A new gamma camera at a fraction of the cost
4th January 2018
Trying to stretch your end of year budget? A cost effective gamma camera by MiE is the perfect solution.