News Archive

New nanoRaider™ provides high resolution radiation detection and identification in the palm of your hand

29th November 2011

Now available in the UK from Southern Scientific, the nanoRaider™ from FLIR is a pager-sized radiation detector that will prove a valuable device for those working in the front line of homeland security.

Many new features with new identiFINDER 2 radiation detector

9th November 2011

FLIR Radiation, formerly known as Target Instruments and ICx Technologies, has introduced the identiFINDER 2, the latest version in its highly popular range of identiFINDER handheld instruments for the detection and identification of radionuclides.

CT Dose Profiler takes CT Quality Assurance to the next level

5th October 2011

With its one-shot method, using just one helical scan, the CT Dose Profiler measures CTDI, CTDI100, CTDIw, CTDIvol, DLP, point doses, and other parameters, whilst giving a visible view of the dose profile within seconds and with no limitation of beam width.

LabLogic Systems acquires Southern Scientific

8th September 2011

Radiochromatography and nuclear medicine specialist LabLogic Systems has announced the acquisition of West Sussex based Southern Scientific, which manufactures and supplies radiation measurement, detection and analytical systems for the nuclear industry, hospitals and research

A new era in Cardiac Imaging

7th September 2011

The Cardius X·ACT cardiac imaging camera, now available in the UK from Southern Scientific, is a fully integrated SPECT·VCT design featuring high speed solid-state detectors able to collect both the emission and the CT transmission data, eliminating the need to move patients between data collections.

New instrument is the smart way to check X-ray tubes

31st August 2011

Now available in the UK from Southern Scientific, the Cobia SMART from RTI is an accurate, simple-to-use instrument for checking X-ray tube output. No adjustments or set-up procedures are required and the instrument is simply placed beneath the X-ray tube and an exposure is made.

Forte Energy employs the Pylon AB-5R for cost effective Radon detection

30th June 2011

Forte Energy (Perth) is exploring for uranium in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania with the aid of the Pylon AB-5R. It takes two days of travelling to get to the isolated project area.

Introducing the new Cobia from RTI

29th June 2011

The new Cobia Smart is an easy to use instrument for quality assurance of X-ray devices, with an innovative, clear, rotatable display.

Introducing the new Handhound

21st June 2011

Contamination monitoring of personnel in controlled areas is a legal requirement under IRR99. A budget-sensitive solution comes in the form of the new Handhound from Southern Scientific.

ICNC 10 Amsterdam New Technology Horizon Symposium

10th May 2011

Come and join Digirad for complimentary hors'd oeuvres and information on their innovative range of solid-state gamma cameras, on Monday May 16th between 5 - 6pm in room D507

Receive Ocean software for FREE when purchasing the Piranha 557 or 657

4th May 2011

Until May 31st 2011 RTI are offering a free copy of Ocean software with every purchase of a new Piranha 557 or 657.
Click here to visit the Piranha product page, and here to visit the Ocean product page.

Trade in your old multimeter for a large discount on a new Piranha

4th May 2011

Until May 31st 2011 RTI are offering a €1000 discount on the purchase of a new Piranha 557 or 657 when you trade in your old multimeter.

ERGO represents a new generation of solid-state Nuclear Medicine cameras

4th May 2011

ERGO™ is a highly portable, large-field-of-view (LFOV), general purpose gamma camera that represents a new generation of Nuclear Medicine imaging using state of the art, solid-state technology to provide levels of performance that will transform nuclear imaging.

New tritium-in-air monitor from Southern Scientific

27th April 2011

A new hand-held monitor from Tyne Engineering that sets new standards for tritium-in-air monitoring is now available in the UK from Southern Scientific Ltd.

25% discount when you upgrade from oRTIgo to Ocean software

9th March 2011

Between March 3rd and May 31st we are offering existing oRTIgo users a 25% discount when purchasing Ocean Professional from RTI

Introducing multi-modal sampling GC/MS with continuous air monitoring

9th March 2011

The new Griffin™ 460 provides detection, confirmation and continuous monitoring in a single instrument.

One instrument measures luminance and illuminance: CDmon tests performance and constancy of X-ray boxes

24th February 2011

Now available from Southern Scientific is the Pehamed CDmon, a digital luminance and illuminance meter designed to test the performance and constancy of X-ray viewers and monitors. When used with Pehamed's screen constancy analysis software, PEHAview SCA, the CDmon is able to run acceptance and constancy tests in accordance with DIN V 6868-57 and QSRL.

BNC 575 sets standards in digital delay and pulse generator technology

24th February 2011

Now available in the UK from Southern Scientific is a new digital delay/pulse generator from Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation (BNC) that sets new standards in digital delay and pulse generator technology.

Introducing the new range of Sigma mobile patient chairs

20th January 2011

Southern Scientific has introduced a new range of battery powered Sigma mobile patient chairs.  Designed to meet specific patient needs, there is a choice of models featuring increased seat width and depth and a variety of maximum weight capacities of up to 300kgs (47 stone).

ICx introduces the new Fido PaxPoint V2

20th January 2011

Following the success of the Fido PaxPoint™ ICx have released the improved PaxPoint™ V2. This upgrade is designed to test vapors for liquid and peroxide-based threats and fully meets the new airport liquid screening requirements, having been tested and approved under the ECAC Liquid Explosive Detection Systems program. With its exquisite sensitivity and low false alarm rate, the PaxPoint V2 has been specifically designed for use in transit facilities.

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