Why you should upgrade your Capintec dose calibrator
20th March 2019

Northern General Hospital's Radiopharmacy Production Manager on why you should upgrade your Capintec dose calibrator
With the news that Capintec has now discontinued the CRC-25r, Southern Scientific caught up with a user of the latest version of the popular instrument, the CRC 55tR dose calibrator.
We spoke to Adam Pickles, Radiopharmacy Production Manager at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield to see how they were getting on two years after upgrading.
He said: “We use the Capintec 55tR here in the radiopharmacy.
“The new 55tR is good for infection control and microbial reduction as the touch screen is easy to clean, compared to the older models. The touch screen has also greatly improved the visibility for users.
“We have used Capintec dose calibrators since 2010 so are familiar with the instruments, and the installation and training delivered from Southern Scientific went well.
“The service from the Southern Scientific team has been great and I would recommend them to a friend or colleague.”