Global Britain in a Competitive Age: the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
17th March 2021

Southern Scientific: Security and defence solutions
Yesterday (Tuesday 16th March 2021) the UK government released a new policy paper: Global Britain in a Competitive Age: the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy. The 100-page paper is a review of foreign and defence policies which sets out post-Brexit UK priorities for the next 10 years.
As the UK's leading supplier to the nuclear, security and defence sectors, we have read the Integrated Review and highlighted key insights for our partners, distributors and customers.
Global Britain in a Competitive Age: Four overarching objectives
The four overarching objectives in the Integrated Review are "Sustaining strategic advantage through science and technology", "Shaping the open international order of the future", "Strengthening security and defence at home and overseas", and "Building resilience at home and overseas."
Strengthening security and defence at home and overseas
The fourth objective “Strengthening security and defence at home and overseas” centers around reducing the risk of “state threats, radicalisation and terrorism, serious and organized crime, and weapons proliferation.”
Increased likelihood of CBRN attacks and enhancing nuclear detection capability
The Integrated Review states there is an “increased likelihood of a CBRN (Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) attack by the end of 2030” and there is “a realistic possibility that state sponsorship of terrorism and the use of proxies will increase.”
To enhance Home Office CBRN nuclear detection capability, the Integrated Review announces £22m resource funding in 2021-22 and £329m capital funding from 2021-22 to 2024-25.
Southern Scientific: Supporting CBRN clients over the next 5-10 years
Naval Vessels
On page 102 of the Integrated Review, the government plans to “Develop the next generation of naval vessels, including Type 32 frigates and Fleet Solid Support ships, and deliver our plans for eight Type 26 and five Type 31 frigates".
With the ever-increasing threats of CBRN attacks (as seen in Syria and Salisbury, UK) it’s more important than ever for protective and detection capabilities such as NASRAMS™ and FLIR G625 GC-MS CWA/Hazchem detection system to be available to the UK naval forces. The NASRAMS system is a shipboard radiation monitoring system that provides continuous real-time radiological information onboard military vessels/vehicles.
Future nuclear deterrent
On page 76-78/102, the renewal of the UK nuclear deterrent means that there is a continued need for associated detection capabilities.

“Arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation: our commitment to international treaties” the obligations of non-proliferation requires a broad portfolio of differing solutions ranging from Dosimeters including Tracerco PEDs, nuclear interdiction equipment including personal radiation detectors e.g. the Mirion Technologies AccuRad™ PRD, Handheld Isotope Identification Devices e.g. the FLIR R425, and backpack/mobile systems such as the Mirion Technologies SPIR-Pack Portable Radiation Detection and Identification System.

Detection capabilities also include radiation border/portal monitors, both spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic options for the detection and identification of radioactive materials.
New Counter Terrorism Operations Center and Increased Police Funding
On page 80 the Integrated Review introduces the New Counter Terrorism Operations Center, an integrated multi-agency approach to manage incidents in real-time. The combined approach brings together police, spy agencies, government and judicial systems. Sustainment of funding to counter emerging challenges is mentioned in this section as the Integrated Review mentions the sustainment of “£70 million uplift in funding for CT policing in England and Wales into 2021-22. Equivalent funds are available to the Scottish Government and Northern Ireland Executive for CT policing.”
International Biological Security Programme

The Integrated Review refers to The International Biological Security Programme on page 85 and reducing the risk of terrorist acquisition of biological agents. Southern Scientific has a range of biological capable equipment including the Tetracore BioThreat Alert® Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) Strips and Readers for Biological Threat Detection for quick and easy testing of suspect powders and the Tetracore T-COR 8 Real-Time PCR Thermocycler for the rapid confirmatory analysis of biothreats.
Southern Scientific CBRN solutions
Southern Scientific has a long history of working closely with the UK security and defence sectors. The Integrated Review sets out a vision for the UK and we will be working with new and existing clients to support the government’s CBRN objectives.