Sign up for MOLECUBES SPECT/CT webinar
16th March 2022

A versatile use of SPECT/CT in the development of theranostics tracers for different disease models by Alexandru Florea, PhD, MD - RWTH Aachen.
We would like to invite you fro this webinar on Tuesday March 22nd at 5PM CET | 11AM EST | 8AM PST

Combining (preclinical) imaging and targeted therapy is the basis of theranostics. In this webinar, Dr. Florea will highlight several studies performed at RWTH Aachen where SPECT-CT imaging was used to evaluate theranostic compounds in a non-invasive manner.
In one of the studies, the theranostic pair Tc-99m and Re-188 are used to image and later treat HER-2 positive breast cancer. Another theranostic pair used by the group was I-123 and I-125 in an attempt to combat triple-negative breast cancer.
Taking advantage of the high sensitivity of the γ-CUBE, Lu-177 was used to dynamically image kidney fibrosis in order to find the most suitable time point for imaging after tracer application. The figure below shows low dose Lu-177 imaging and ROI delineation in kidney fibrosis.
Lastly, the high resolution of the X-CUBE enabled the detection of spotty vascular micro-calcifications developed by an atherosclerotic mouse model.
The SPECT/CT platform can be considered as a versatile system enabling the deployment of various diagnostic and therapeutic tracers in several diseases.
Join us for this webinar on Tuesday, March 22nd at 5PM CET | 11AM EST | 8AM PST