Fido X2 News

Sign up now: Fido X4 Handheld ETD Webinar
18th September 2020
FLIR is offering two free webinars in September, focused on providing information about the Fido X4 Handheld ETD. Read more here.

CBNW Xplosive feature: The FLIR Fido X2 handheld explosive detector for counter-terrorism
31st March 2020
South Wales Police used the FLIR Fido X2 handheld explosive detector in a property raid that led to multiple convictions. CBNW has covered the case study, click to read.

Using the FLIR Fido X2 handheld explosive detector for counter-terrorism
30th January 2020
South Wales Police used the FLIR Fido X2 handheld explosive detector in a property raid that contributed to multiple convictions. Click to read more.

A special feature in CBNW XPLOSIVE
27th September 2018
Southern Scientific's CBRNe specialist, James Tomlinson, has written a feature for CBNW Xplosive magazine. Click to read the article.

Take Advantage of Our Special Offer on CBRNe Products
1st June 2018
Southern Scientific is pleased to offer an exclusive discount on a select few of our CBRNe product range, including products from FLIR. Click here and claim the offer before ends!

No Pyro, No party
19th October 2017
Stop the party with the FLIR Fido X2 and X3. The number of pyrotechnics being brought into football stadiums is a rapidly growing

Probably the best defensive line-up in the country
13th June 2017
Maintaining a high level of security at major entertainment venues - such as football stadiums - has always been a challenge, but with the threat level continuing to rise, the need to take additional preventative measures is becoming more apparent.

See us at Security & Policing 2017
3rd March 2017
Southern Scientific will be exhibiting on stand A29 at Security & Policing 2017 in Farnborough from the 7th to the 9th March.

See us at the CBRN International event in Coventry
13th February 2017
Southern Scientific will be exhibiting at the forthcoming CBRN International event at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.

The Fido X2 - meeting the security needs of the hospitality industry
31st August 2016
When a luxury boutique hotel in London was looking to enhance its security with an explosive trace detector it had a number of requirements.

Selecting the right ETD tool for the job
8th August 2016
Security teams depend more than ever on proactive and preventative technologies in the war on terror. Handheld explosives trace detectors (ETDs) provide the portable screening capability needed to take the security mission mobile. With all the choice available, how do you select the right handheld ETD for your mission? It is an important decision.