H Series News

VIDEO: The world’s only waterproof radiation imager
24th January 2024
In their latest video, H3D demonstrate the capabilities of the H Series during and after total water immersion
3D mapping of spent nuclear fuel
30th November 2023
H3D’s new GammAware can be used with existing imaging spectrometers to produce radiation maps

Maximum sensitivity in the smallest possible package with H3D’s M400 custom integrable CZT module
21st September 2022
A comparative study by the IAEA at Seibersdorf presented the spectroscopic probe as the most accurate detector

Decommissioning nuclear power plants with H3D
9th February 2022
The H-series are industrial imaging spectrometers used for identifying, quantifying and localising gamma sources

H-Series Gamma Imaging Spectrometer - H3D H420
22nd November 2021
The H420 is a Gamma-imaging system that utilizes CZT detectors, capable of identifying, quantifying and localising gamma-emitting isotopes in nuclear power plants, emergency/accident situations, hospitals or industrial sites.

H3D: The future of high-performance 3D CZT
2nd June 2020
Southern Scientific is now representing H3D, a spinoff from Michigan University that specialises in 3-D CZT technology. Click to read more.