identiFINDER R300 News

Identifying gamma-emitting radioisotopes in clinical Nuclear Medicine waste
14th September 2023
FLIR’s R225 is a quick, sensitive, and handheld gamma spectrometer capable of detecting and identifying commonly used medical radioisotopes

FLIR launches the new identiFINDER® R225
22nd August 2023
The new spectroscopic personal radiation detector has exceptional detection and identification capabilities for gammas and neutrons

Rapid radioisotope identification with FLIR’s identiFINDER® R-Series
11th May 2022
The identiFINDER® R-Series are easy-to-use handheld devices that quickly detect, locate, and identify radiation sources

Two reasons why you should upgrade your gamma spectrometer
14th February 2019
Are you looking to upgrade your laboratory gamma spectrometer instruments, look to FLIR and Mirion Technologies for state-of-the-art replacements. Click here to read more.

FLIR updates R300 and R400 software
22nd March 2017
FLIR not only provides superior products and services, but also continually works to improve upon its existing capabilities. FLIR instruments have been designed so the software can be updated in the field. This helps ensure all users can get access to the latest features and capabilities without the need to return the unit for service.
The company's latest software release is applicable to the identiFINDER® R300 (nanoRAIDER) and identiFINDER® R400 (indentiFINDER-2).

See us at Security & Policing 2017
3rd March 2017
Southern Scientific will be exhibiting on stand A29 at Security & Policing 2017 in Farnborough from the 7th to the 9th March.

See us at the CBRN International event in Coventry
13th February 2017
Southern Scientific will be exhibiting at the forthcoming CBRN International event at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.

A handy guidebook for radiation detection
31st August 2016
No single product can meet all the various applications for handheld radiation detection systems. Different applications require different detector sizes and sensitivities. Some applications require smaller, more rugged devices while at other times, increased sensitivity outweighs the importance of deploying a compact, lightweight instrument. It can be a complicated decision, but it does not have to be.