identiFINDER R440 News

Identifying gamma-emitting radioisotopes in clinical Nuclear Medicine waste
14th September 2023
FLIR’s R225 is a quick, sensitive, and handheld gamma spectrometer capable of detecting and identifying commonly used medical radioisotopes

FLIR launches the new identiFINDER® R225
22nd August 2023
The new spectroscopic personal radiation detector has exceptional detection and identification capabilities for gammas and neutrons

Rapid radioisotope identification with FLIR’s identiFINDER® R-Series
11th May 2022
The identiFINDER® R-Series are easy-to-use handheld devices that quickly detect, locate, and identify radiation sources

Webinar: The latest in radiation detection technology from FLIR
19th May 2020
Sign up to FLIR's upcoming webinar focusing on the latest in radiation detection technology, click to find out more.
What makes a good RIID? - CBNW Magazine Feature
12th February 2018
Learn about the recent developments in the field of portable gamma ray spectrometers/ radioisotope identification devices

Join us at the UK Security Expo 2017
21st November 2017
Southern Scientific will be exhibiting the latest CBRNe technology at the forthcoming UK Security Expo in London, on the 29th - 30th November 2017