Cobia Sense X-Ray QA Meter

The Cobia Sense is dedicated just for the use with an external probe, thereby you only pay for what you need.

Cobia Sense can connect external detectors such as the RTI Dose Probe, Light Probe, CT ion chamber or external mAs probes. The wide selection of external probes enables a big flexibility in the performance of regular constancy checks for most modalities.

Thanks to the Plug-and-Play functionality the Cobia Sense will automatically recognize the different detectors you connect and instantly be ready for your measurements. This together with the easy-to-read display, Cobia Sense is the perfect tool also for untrained users.

With Cobia Sense there is no need to reset between your measurements, so you can remain in the control room until all your measurements are made. The practical data log allows you to store measurements for later viewing.

Cobia Sense in Different Languages

As well as English, you can choose to run your Cobia Flex in several languages such as Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. This can easily be selected via the Cobia menu and we constantly update with more languages

  • No positional dependence.
  • Large rotatable display.
  • Multiple languages.
  • Log/history function.
  • Measures pulsed radiation.
  • Full auto range (kV, TF and Sensitivity).
  • Solid-state detectors, no need to compensate for temperature and pressure.
  • Long-lasting rechargeable battery.
  • 2-year calibration cycle.
  • Built-in energy compensation.
  • Free firmware upgrades via internet or CD
Weight Approx 290 g
Size 138 x 76 x 27 mm³
Power source Int. battery / ext. power supply
Battery life 10 – 20 hours
Display Color, 320x240 pixel
Min. exp. time 0.1 ms
  Range Inaccuracy
Time 0 ms – 2000 s ±1 % or ±0.33 ms
  3 – 9999 pulses  

CT Dose

CT Dose Profiler

A Pioneer at Measuring CT Dose. It also has the ability to further analyze the result.

CT Phantom Set

Phantoms for dose measurements on CT scanners. The phantom set consists of one 16 cm head phantom with 5 holes, and a 32 cm body annulus with 4 holes.

External Dose Probes

RTI Dose Probe

The RTI Dose Probe is specially designed for low dose rate measurements. 

T20 Dose Detector

T20 dose detector is small enough to leave the X-ray system's output undisturbed.

MAS Probes


The simple way of invasive measurements. Together with Piranha or Barracuda direct reading of mA and mAs as well as waveform are obtained.

Ion Chambers

DCT10 Pencil Ionization Chamber

The simple way of invasive measurements. Together with Piranha or Barracuda direct reading of mA and mAs as well as waveform are obtained.

Magna 1 cc

Designed especially for mammographic measurements.


RTI Soft Shell Case

RTI's soft shell case is a perfect solution for storage of your Cobia or Piranha. The soft shell case fits perfectly for the Cobia Smart or Piranha and is smooth, easy and safe


Light Probe

Light Detector measures the brightness on monitors and film viewing boxes.


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