H-Series industrial imaging spectrometer

The H series is a wide selection of gamma-imaging system using CZT detectors. The H series is a complete solution for the identification, quantification, and localisation of gamma-ray sources in nuclear power plants and emergency/accidents situations. The gamma imaging systems are easy to use, highly portable, and cost-effective.

25 years of development and 10+ years of application-specific engineering to the exacting standards of nuclear power plant operators to support routine monitoring and maintenance, decommissioning operations, emergencies, incidents, and outages.

The CZT detectors used in the H series have spectroscopic performance competitive with cryogenically cooled detectors and omnidirectional isotope-specific imaging under 4 kg.

H-Series Industrial imaging spectrometer features

  • Fast, portable, and easy to use imaging spectrometer.
  • Rapidly identifies and locates primary source terms.
  • Real-time spectroscopy, ID, and imaging.
  • Omnidirectional sensing and imaging.
  • Better than 1.1% FWHM energy resolution at 662keV.
  • Energy range covers isotopes of interest up to 3 MeV.
  • Industry-leading imaging sensitivity using pixelated CZT technology.
  • Precision overlay of gamma-ray and optical images.
  • Images both point and distributed sources.
  • Ready to use in under 90 seconds.
  • Discrimination between background and sources of interest in less than 1 minute.
  • Light weight and highly portable.
  • Integrated range finder.
  • Air/water tight for easy decontamination.
  • Dose-range gauge.
  • Automatic report generation.
  • Post processing software included.
  • Option for ≤0.8% FWHM energy resolution at 662 keV.
  • Low-Energy-Imaging Option (H420). Enable imaging to low energies using integrated coded aperture.

H-Series Industrial imaging spectrometer models





Resolution (% FWHM @ 662keV)




Spectrometer Range (keV)

50 to 3000

50 to 3000

50 to 3000

Imaging Range (keV)

250 to 3000

250 to 3000

50 to 3000

Coded aperture mask (" Tungsten)




CZT Volume (cm3)




Weight (lbs.)




Battery Life (hrs.)




IP Rating




Temperature Rating (°F)

-4 to 122

-4 to 122

-4 to 122

Startup Time (minutes)




User Interface




H3D’s highest efficiency, portable detector system

The H1600 is H3D’s highest efficiency, portable detector system. Detect, identify, and image even weak sources quickly and accurately with this user-friendly design. Containing the most advanced room-temperature semiconductor technology to achieve spectroscopic performance competitive with cryogenically cooled detectors, the detector is compact, lightweight, quick, and has excellent energy resolution. 

The H1600 is ideal for applications including:

  • Decommissioning
  • Active interrogation
  • Characterisation
  • Monitoring

Extra-High-Efficiency Option (H1600-15)

Increase crystal volume to >116 cm3. Also available as a higher-resolution H1600+-15 with no resolution guarantee.

High-Resolution Option (H1600+)

Improve energy resolution to ≤0.8% FWHM at 662 keV (coincident interactions combined) and ≤0.65% FWHM at 662 keV (coincident interactions separated).

Quantification Option (H1600Q)

Photopeak efficiency variation <1% across temperature range.

Low-Energy-Imaging Option (H1610)

Enable imaging from 50 keV to 250 keV by adding coded aperture. Field of view: 86° × 86°. Angular resolution: ~5° FWHM


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