News Archive

Introducing the Theranojet®ARA shielded injection system for theranostics
19th December 2023
Lemer Pax have developed one of the first commercially available systems for automated administration of radionuclide therapies

Specialised MRI Phantoms for Quality Assurance and accurate evaluation
14th December 2023
Diagnomatic’s phantoms are ACR accredited and have been designed to meet identified imaging requirements for cancers, brain injuries, and more

Discover an easier way to monitor gamma contamination with the Radhound Mini
7th December 2023
In our latest video, we demonstrate the key features of our new radiation monitor for nuclear medicine

Radiometric analysis of heavier actinides with the Hidex 300 SL
5th December 2023
The Colorado School of Mines has been using the liquid scintillation counter to count the decays of novel isotopes such as Berkelium and Californium
3D mapping of spent nuclear fuel
30th November 2023
H3D’s new GammAware can be used with existing imaging spectrometers to produce radiation maps

Introducing new irradiator systems for preclinical imaging
23rd November 2023
Southern Scientific is the new UK distributor for KUBTEC Scientific, manufacturers of digital cabinet X-ray imaging and irradiator systems

Monitoring gamma contamination in equine scintigraphy
14th November 2023
Southern Scientific’s Radhound Mini F is a new floor monitor ideal for veterinary hospitals and equine centers performing nuclear imaging

Monitoring artificial radioactive aerosols with the BAB A7
7th November 2023
The aerosol beacon by Bertin Instruments has been designed specifically to monitor nuclear energy sites and dismantling work

Steve Archibald: Why Hull chose MOLECUBES’ preclinical imagers for translational studies
2nd November 2023
A full suite of the benchtop scanners has been installed at the PET Research Center thanks to their sensitivity and high throughput

Introducing the new Radhound Mini for contamination monitoring
30th October 2023
Lightweight and durable, the radiation monitor solves many of the common problems of traditional monitors such as weight, cost, and fragility

Customized patient positioning with FOR-MED
26th October 2023
FOR-MED patient foam supports are designed to support patients and fix body parts in place for imaging in Nuclear Medicine, PET-CT/SPECT-CT, and Radiology

Portable chemical detection for rapid drug analysis with the new G510x
24th October 2023
FLIR’s improved CG/MS chemical identifier has been developed specifically to identify trace amounts in complex mixtures

Precise radiological Quality Assurance with QUART
17th October 2023
Southern Scientific is pleased to announce itself as the new UK distributor for German radiological QA instrument manufacturer QUART

Breaking the cold chain in biological threat detection
12th October 2023
The TCOR-8™ PCR Thermocycler allows rapid confirmatory analysis of biothreats in less than an hour
Small animal scintigraphy using the MiE Equine Scanner
4th October 2023
Oakham Veterinary Hospital has been using the gamma camera to nuclear image dogs referred by orthopaedic specialists

Developing the next generation of Liquid Scintillation Counters for super low-level analysis
27th September 2023
After identifying a unique fault due to local environmental conditions at Washington State Public Health Laboratories, Hidex redesigned the existing 600 SL

Identifying gamma-emitting radioisotopes in clinical Nuclear Medicine waste
14th September 2023
FLIR’s R225 is a quick, sensitive, and handheld gamma spectrometer capable of detecting and identifying commonly used medical radioisotopes
Protecting people and the environment with the GammaTRACER XLS-2
29th August 2023
Bertin Instruments have recently developed a rapid response system for emergency situations at nuclear facilities

FLIR launches the new identiFINDER® R225
22nd August 2023
The new spectroscopic personal radiation detector has exceptional detection and identification capabilities for gammas and neutrons

Benchtop CT imaging at NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s BSL-3 laboratory
15th August 2023
The school's imaging lab has installed a MOLECUBES’ PET-SPECT-CT platform and a second CT imager for infectious disease research including COVID-19

The Radhound vs. the Mini Monitor
9th August 2023
The Mini Monitor has been the trusted choice for radiation detection but with technological advances, new radiation monitors have come to the market

Advanced tritium analysis at nuclear power stations using the Hidex 300 SL
3rd August 2023
Watts Bar NPP in Tennessee is validating the liquid scintillation counters to count gaseous and liquid samples in key systems

Area monitoring for Chemical Warfare and Pharmaceutical-Based Agents
31st July 2023
The Beacon expands the MX908’s existing capabilities to provide real-time identification of chemical threats

Ensuring purity in Tc-99m production for reliable SPECT scans
19th July 2023
Tec-Control™ Aluminium Breakthru Kits deliver fast, inexpensive Quality Control tests when using a Molybdenum generator

Immediate high-resolution PET-CT in the OR with the XEOS AURA 10
12th July 2023
This revolutionary new PET-CT specimen imager is a mobile compact unit that allows immediate assessment which can prevent resurgery

VIDEO: Ultra-low-level analysis is back with Hidex’s newest liquid scintillation counter
5th July 2023
The Hidex ULLA is the first ultra-low-level analyzer available since the 1220 QUANTULUS™. Watch the latest video to find out more

PET/SPECT imaging in the development of targeted radiopharmaceuticals
29th June 2023
MOLECUBES preclinical imagers allows modalities to be combined when studying the efficacy of new tracers

Remote detection of radiation sources and radiological hazards using the FLIR MUVE™ R430
21st June 2023
The lightweight module can be fitted to drones for aerial surveillance. Click here to learn more

Safeguarding miners against radon gas using the AlphaGUARD
14th June 2023
The Bath Stone Group have been using the radon monitor to implement safe working practices in their limestone mine

Reducing skin doses and contamination exposure in PET with the Posijet®
31st May 2023
The Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Center is using the Lemer Pax autoinjector to administer FDG. Find out more here

Detritiation and tritium analysis at UKAEA with Wilma
16th May 2023
Southern Scientific’s monitoring system for tritium in air is being used in the JET Decommissioning and Repurposing Project at H3AT

Improved radiation protection with the new PED2
3rd May 2023
Tracerco’s™ next generation of personal electronic dosimeters are robust and reliable field instruments for the defence and nuclear industries
Preclinical optical imaging: Assessing the bio-distribution and expression of RNA vaccines and therapeutics
25th April 2023
The Ami HT has been installed at Imperial College London following our appointment as the new UK distributor for Spectral Instruments Imaging

The LabLogic Group has been awarded The King’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade
21st April 2023
The prestigious award recognises exceptional international growth and contributions to the United Kingdom’s exports

Motion-corrected equine scintigraphy for racing and riding horses
19th April 2023
Donnington Grove veterinary group has been using the MiE Equine Scanner H.R. gamma camera for bone scanning. Find out more here

Identifying new explosive and drug targets at trace level with MX908
21st March 2023
The spectrometer’s latest software update allows it to detect Mercury Fulminate and emerging synthetic compounds. Find out more here

Effective decontamination of radionuclides with Bind-It™ decontamination fluid
13th March 2023
Bind-It™ is an ideal alternative for Biodex’s Radiacwash™ which has been discontinued. Find out more here

Combined Optical and CT for operational imaging of small animals
1st March 2023
Spectral’s Lago and MOLECUBES’ X-CUBE have been integrated for bioluminescence, fluorescence, and CT without compromising the integrity of research outcomes

Luxium Solutions announces distribution agreement with Southern Scientific
15th February 2023
Formerly known as Saint-Gobain Crystals, Luxium is a manufacturer of high-quality scintillation materials. Click here to find out more

Capintec’s CRC® series is now the only fully supported range of dose calibrators from Mirion
7th February 2023
Service and support has been withdrawn for Biodex dose calibrators for nuclear medicine, PET, and radioimmunotherapy. Find out more here

Automating radionuclide separation at the National Physical Laboratory
31st January 2023
The Hidex Q-ARE 50 is an automated radionuclide extraction system that has been installed at NPL’s Nuclear Metrology Group. Find out more

Automating the administration of high-energy radiopharmaceuticals for theranostics
5th January 2023
The Lemer Pax Posijet® autoinjector has been developed for vectorised internal radiotherapy using Lu-177 PSMA and Lu-177 DOTATATE. Learn more here